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MIT Jazz Program


MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble (big band & combo)
MIT Vocal Jazz Ensemble
MIT Jazz Combos
MIT Jazz Advance Music Performance
MIT Emerson/Harris Jazz Scholars & Fellows

MIT Jazz Faculty
Miguel Zenón
Frederick Harris, Jr.
Keala Kaumeheiwa
Laura Grill Jaye

Audition information here: https://mta.mit.edu/music/performance/audition

More information about the overall MIT Music and Theater Arts Department here.

MIT Jazz performance began in the 1920s with a student-led quintet that grew into a big band. The formal jazz studies program was founded by Boston jazz icon Herb Pomeroy in 1963 and was further developed by Mark Harvey. It thrives today with over 70 MIT students participating in jazz performance through the MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble (and combo), MIT Vocal Jazz Ensemble, MIT CMS Jazz Combos, Jazz AMP, and the Emerson/Harris Program for Private Study. Other courses offered include Jazz History, Jazz Harmony/Arranging/Composition, and Improvisation.

Led and guided by Dr. Frederick Harris, Jr. and Miguel Zenón, the vibrant and innovative MIT Jazz Program provides high-level experiences in ensemble performance, improvisation, composition, arranging, historical studies, and opportunities to regularly interact with world-class guest artists. Keala Kaumeheiwa leads three CMS Jazz Combos and Laura Grill Jaye leads the MIT Vocal Jazz Ensemble. Lihi Haruvi teaches Jazz Harmony & Arranging.

About MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble

Herb was the real architect of the jazz program at MIT. In the early going of our music program, jazz was one of our flagship activities, even before classical music. Herb was unusual in that he was a wonderful jazz player who liked to and could teach.

The MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble (MIT FJE), MIT’s flagship jazz organization was founded in 1963 by Boston jazz icon Herb Pomeroy and led since 1999 by Dr. Frederick Harris, Jr. This advanced 18 to 20-member big band/jazz ensemble comprises outstanding MIT undergraduate and graduate students studying a wide range of disciplines. An advanced combo is formed from the membership of the MIT FJE.

MIT FJE performs traditional and contemporary jazz ensemble literature and has a long history of performing student arrangements/compositions and commissioning new works by major jazz composers such as Chick Corea, Kenny Werner, Guillermo Klein, and Miguel Zenón.

MIT FJE has released five professional recordings including its major jazz label debut on Sunnyside in 2015, Infinite Winds, which received a five-star review from DownBeat and was chosen by the magazine as one of its “Best Albums of 2015 Five-Star Masterpieces.” Guest artists with whom MIT FJE have collaborated include Don Byron, Anat Cohen, Jacob Collier, Terri Lyne Carrington, Lupe Fiasco, Sean Jones, Joe Lovano, Luciana Souza, and Miguel Zenón among many others.

The MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble has toured and performed in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and the Brazilian Amazon, focused on cultural and environmental sustainability and equity, STEAM education, and music's power as a vehicle for change.

About MIT Vocal Jazz Ensemble

Laura Grill Jaye, Director

Vocal Jazz Ensemble may be taken for credit: 21M.443

The MIT Vocal Jazz Ensemble (VJE) was founded by Institute Professor John Harbison in the spring of 2011 as the first and only vocal jazz performance group at the Institute. Boston-based vocalist-arranger-composer Laura Grill Jaye is the current director and coach of VJE, which has quickly risen to high recognition not only on campus but throughout Boston. Performance opportunities have included a professional recording with the MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble of the MIT school song and “A Rhumba for Rafael Reif,” as well as an appearance with the Boston Pops at Boston’s Symphony Hall. Professor Harbison has arranged many pieces for VJE over the years.

VJE’s debut recording Vocal Jazz at MIT: Store-Bought Hair, was released in 2015. Past collaborations have included performances with Jacob Collier, Dominique Eade, and Luciana Souza. Under the direction of Laura Grill Jaye, VJE has participated and earned high praise in a special residency with Audra McDonald, and has collaborated and recorded with The MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble.

VJE sings ensemble and solo jazz music. It performs with jazz instrumentalists on and off campus, including a concert in Killian Hall at the end of each semester. The ensemble also offers members opportunities for arranging and songwriting. The MIT Vocal Jazz Ensemble is coordinated and overseen by Dr. Fred Harris.

MIT VJE Rehearsals: Tuesday, 6:00-9:00 p.m.

November 24th, 2024 at 7pm in Killian Hall
May 10th, 2025 at 7pm in Tull Concert Hall (W18)

Laura Grill Jaye, Director (ljaye@mit.edu)

Students are expected to prepare two songs of contrasting styles. One song must be "Smile" by Chaplin/Parsons/Turner to be sung a cappella. Many people have recorded this song, but Nat King Cole's version is easy to find online if you're learning by ear. The second song can be from any genre and should showcase your voice. It is fine to use accompaniment for the second song.

**Returning students must re-audition with one jazz standard of their choice. They do not need to sing "Smile".

Auditions will be held on Tuesday, September 3rd between 2-8pm in room W18-4309.

Register to Audition for MIT Vocal Jazz Ensemble

*For vocal jazz students auditioning for the Emerson/Harris program: the E/HP Jazz audition and the VJE audition are separate. You must audition for each of them separately if you intend to participate in both.

About MIT CMS Jazz Combos

Keala Kaumeheiwa, coach

Vocal Jazz Ensemble may be taken for credit: 21M.445

Three Jazz Combos are formed under the auspices of the MIT Chamber Music Society. They include approximately 20 students ranging from intermediate to advanced levels.

Jazz Combos study and perform traditional and contemporary small group jazz literature and improvisation, with opportunities for students to compose/arrange for the ensembles. Combos rehearse once weekly with renowned Boston jazz bassist, Keala Kaumeheiwa, and are also expected to meet independently. The combos perform one concert per semester. CMS Jazz Combos are coordinated and overseen by Dr. Fred Harris.


Dr. Frederick Harris, Music Director, MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble, MIT Jazz Performance Coordinator, and Emerson/Harris Jazz Advisor, (fharris@mit.edu)

NOTE: Auditions for the MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble, CMS Jazz Combos, and the Emerson/Harris Jazz Program are all combined into one audition. Your interests in any or all of these opportunities are covered by ONE jazz audition.

Auditions for Fall 2024 participation in MIT CMS Jazz Combos (21M.442) are Sept. 3-6,with additional options on August 29 & 30. Auditions are also held Spring 2025 but students are encouraged to audition in the fall for participation for the full AY. Accepted students may take MIT FJE for credit (6 units) but may also participate not for credit. Those not taking MIT FJE for credit should register as a listener.

Early auditions: If you would like to audition earlier than the dates listed above, you may do so on zoom with Dr. Harris. Email him directly (fharris@mit.edu) to set up a day/time.

MIT CMS Jazz Combos are comprised of MIT undergraduate and graduate students but all local college students, MIT community members, and non-MIT community members are welcome to audition. The audition will take approximately 15 minutes. While the typical instrumentation of the MIT CMS Jazz Combos comprises saxophones, trumpets, trombones, and full rhythm section, any other interested instrumentalists are welcome to audition.

First MIT FJE rehearsal of the Fall semester will be Tuesday, September 10, 5:15-7:15pm, Killian Hall. MORE INFO


About MIT Jazz Advanced Music Performance (AMP)

The MIT Jazz Advanced Music Performance ensemble/class (Jazz AMP) comprises Emerson/Harris Jazz Fellows and is taught by Miguel Zenón. Jazz Fellows form a combo performing standards, original arrangements and compositions. Fellows participate in a performance class once a week, presenting one concert in the Fall semester and multiple concerts/recitals in the Spring semester in addition to performing in another MIT jazz ensemble (MIT FJE, MIT CMS Jazz Combos, or MIT VJE) for the full Academic year.



For more videos, please visit our Youtube Channel!


Hearing Amazônia: MIT musicians in Manaus, Brazil
In a new documentary film, music’s storytelling power illuminates cultural and environmental sustainability in Brazil.
On Dec. 13, the MIT community came together for the premiere of “We Are The Forest,” a documentary by MIT Video Productions that tells the story of the MIT musicians who traveled to the Brazilian Amazon seeking culture and scientific exchange.

The film features performances by Djuena Tikuna, Luciana Souza, Anat Cohen, and Evan Ziporyn, with music by Antônio Carlos Jobim. Fred Harris conducts the MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble and MIT Wind Ensemble and ">Laura Grill Jaye conducts the MIT Vocal Jazz Ensemble.
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Family Weekend concert keeps audience riveted
MIT's Annual Family Weekend Concert: MIT Wind Ensemble, Festival Jazz Ensemble, and Vocal Jazz Ensemble
Conducted by Dr. Frederick Harris, Jr., Kenneth Amis and Laura Grill Jaye
Kresge Auditorium Oct. 28, 2023
After just six weeks of practice, MIT Wind Ensemble (MITWE), MIT Jazz Ensemble, and MIT Vocal Jazz Ensemble performed their annual Family Weekend Concert in front of a packed Kresge Auditorium, to the delight of students and their visiting loved ones. Pulling from a diverse collection of pieces, the three ensembles had the auditorium riveted from start to finish.
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MIT honors late band leader Herb Pomeroy at moving memorial concert
Revered jazz trumpeter, band leader and educator Herb Pomeroy once urged an audience to toss out their CDs and instead, go out and “see live jazz.”
Pomeroy made the remark in 2005 while taking part in a panel at the Berklee School of Music, where he taught for 41 years. While teaching at Berklee, he joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and from 1963 to 1985 he directed its band and developed its formal jazz program.
So it is fitting that MIT commemorates Pomeroy, who died in 2007, with an annual concert. This year’s three-hour event celebrated both the man and the five decades of jazz he set in motion at MIT.
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MIT’s ‘It Must Be Now!’ advances social justice through music and media
On Saturday, May 7, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology presented an immersive music and multimedia event with themes of racial injustice and healing. Held live at Kresge Auditorium and viewable online through May 17, “It Must Be Now!” culminates a year-long series of virtual events and on-campus residencies at MIT to advance social justice actions through music and media.
“It Must Be Now!” and the programs leading up to it were organized by Frederick Harris Jr., Ph.D., director of wind and jazz ensembles at MIT, as an artistic, multidisciplinary response to the racial reckoning spurred by the murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and other Black Americans.
The two-hour program presents world premieres of commissioned works by three visiting artists who also conducted the online sessions and residencies: Emmy Award-winning alto saxophone virtuoso Braxton Cook; Sean Jones, renowned trumpeter and chair of jazz at the Peabody Institute of John Hopkins University; and Terri Lyne Carrington, three-time Grammy Award-winning drummer, 2019 Doris Duke Artist Award recipient and founder/artistic director of the Berklee College of Music Institute of Jazz and Gender Justice.
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MIT ensembles tackle innovative works on CD, onstage
By Jon Garelick, Globe Correspondent, April 23, 2015
In the world of higher education, it's not unusual to hear first-rate music being performed at places not known as music schools. Yes, there's Juilliard, the New England Conservatory, and Berklee. But there are also liberal arts institutions, like Harvard and BU, with formidable music departments. Still, it comes as something of a surprise that one of the most compelling CDs of the year is credited to "MIT Wind Ensemble & MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble." The latter group performs at the school's Kresge Auditorium on April 24; the Wind Ensemble will premiere a new piece by saxophonist Miguel Zenón there a week later.
The new album, "Infinite Winds," was released earlier this month on the Sunnyside label, and comes with some important jazz names attached: Don Byron, Chick Corea, and Guillermo Klein. But they appear as composers, not players. There are two ringers as featured soloists: the formidable tenor saxophonist Bill McHenry, and the clarinetist, composer, and MIT faculty member Evan Ziporyn, formerly a longtime member of new-music collective Bang on a Can's resident group, the Bang on a Can All-Stars. But the disc is laced with authoritative solos from MIT students, and buoyed by the solid performances by the two student ensembles, conducted by their director, Frederick Harris Jr.
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Bigger and Better
Downbeat: MIT Wind Ensemble & MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble, Infinite Winds (Sunnyside 1400; 58:34
On this impressive recording, two MIT ensembles, ably led by director Fred Harris Jr., perform with discipline and conviction on de- manding suites that fuse time-honored jazz and wind-band traditions.

Argentine pianist Guillermo Klein’s austere “Solar Return Suite” draws on octatonic scales from reeds, brass and a crystalline percussion section. Its textures evoke majestic sweeps of the Patagonian Andes, as Bill McHenry’s tenor sax soars like a con- dor beneath the pitiless sun. Chick Corea’s genial “From Forever” (a tribute to mentor Herb Pomeroy on the 50th anniversary of the MIT program he founded) showers solos on those leaping to chal- lenge, notably pianist Peter Godart, vibraphonist Will Grathwohl and saxophonists Sam Heilbroner and Dylan Sherry. Don Byron’s “Concerto” zestily pits fellow clarinetist Evan Ziporyn in meticulous craftsmanship opposite spiky winds in three in- creasingly dramatic—and difficult—movements. Pounding martial rhythms and feral, whirlwind motifs conjure shades of Chavez, Adams, Stravin- sky. This entire celebratory undertaking—world premieres, MIT’s debut commercial jazz venture, tip-top playing— merits a “Bravo!”
Downbeat Best Albums of 2015
Ininite Winds
Two MIT ensembles perform with poise and conviction on demanding suites by Guillermo Klein, Chick Corea and Don Byron. The entire celebratory undertaking— world premieres, MIT’s debut commercial jazz venture, exemplary playing—merits serious recognition.

MIT Jazz Alumni

MIT Jazz alumni are passionate, brilliant, and talented individuals who come back to campus bi-annual to perform in our Annual Herb Pomeroy Memorial Concert.

Stayed tuned for profiles of some of our illustrious MIT jazz alumni!


Dr. Frederick Harris, Jr.
Music Director, MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble & MIT Wind Ensemble, MIT Jazz Performance Coordinator
Email: fharris@mit.edu
Office: 617-452-2283

Jacob Means
Administrative Assistant, MIT Jazz and Wind Ensembles, MIT Music & Theater
Email: jmeans@mit.edu
Office: 617-253-3672

Andy Wilds
Program Manager, Music, MIT Music & Theater Arts
Email: awilds@mit.edu
Office: (617) 258-5044
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